03 June 2008

MEMO 0801: Management Information Update

Our Ref: MEMO 0801
Date: 03rd June 2008

To: All Damansara MAS Apartment Residents

Dear All,

RE: Management Information Update
With reference to the above mentioned subject, we would like highlight to all residents on the following management updates:

a. Formation of Management Corporation
After successful nomination and election on 16th March 2008 (during the first AGM), Damansara MAS Apartment Management Corporation has been officially formed on 9th April 2008 under the Strata Title Act 1985.

b. Change of Management from KIP to Management Corporation
KIP will no longer managing Suria, MAS and Sutera Apartments, the management will be taken over by Management Corporation of each apartments.

c. Management Handover and Account Cutoff Date for MAS Apartment
KIP and the newly formed Management Corporation have agreed to set 1st August 2008 as the official management handover and account cutoff date. Effective from the handover date, all communication, complain, enquiry, payment and etc should refer and/or address to DAMANSARA MAS APARTMENT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION.

d. Management Corporation Meeting List
There were more than 12 meetings carried out by the newly formed management corporation in March, April and May to ensure smooth management transition. Kindly refer to the appendix for the meeting list.

e. Relocation of Management Office
Suria Apartment Management Corporation has also been formed. They have decided to set up their own management office. Due to cost concern, we have decided not to continue renting the existing management office (in Suria Apartment). We have decided to relocate the management office to Ground Floor Block B, MAS Apartment. We will relocate the community hall to Block A.
(NO. RUJUKAN : PTG.SE.51/3/1-PHN/1319)

f. Appointment of New Property Management Service Provider
After detail meetings and discussion on vendor selection, Damansara MAS Apartment Management Corporation has decided to appoint a new property management service provider, effective from 1st August 2008. All other service contractors remain unchanged (e.g. cleaning service, lift maintenance and pool maintenance services)

g. Joint Property Inspection
KIP and Management Corporation will conduct a joint property inspection on Thursday 5th June 2008 at 8pm to identify all areas that needs improvement before the official management handover.

h. Next Course of Actions
i. Management Corporation will set up office in Block B in June 2008
ii. Offer appointment to new property service company in June 2008
iii. Get the new property company to assist to ensure smooth transition
iv. To renew all existing service providers contracts on monthly basis to evaluate performance.

Yours sincerely,
Damansara MAS Apartment Management Corporation

Appendix: Damansara MAS APARTMENT Management Corporation Meeting List

16/03/2008 10.00am-11.30am 1st AGM All Residents

16/03/2008 11.30am-12.30pm Formation of MC (MC)

27/03/2008 8.30pm-10.00pm Documentation Submission (MC)

10/04/2008 8.30pm-11.00pm Appointment of Property Management Service Provider
(MC + KIP + IM Global)

24/04/2008 8.30pm-11.00pm Management Service Issue & MC Formation Follow Up (MC + IM Global)

08/05/2008 8.30pm-11.00pm Management Service Issue, MC Formation Follow Up, Documentation Handover, Property Service Provider Evaluation (MC + IM Global)

15/05/2008 8.30pm-11.00pm Property Service Provider Evaluation (MC)

20/05/2008 8.30pm-11.00pm Property Service Provider Presentation (MC + Landserve)

21/05/2008 3pm-4pm Car Park Door Access Sys (MC + Vendor)

22/05/2008 9.00am-10.30am MC – KIP Meeting on Management, Handover & Change of Property Service Provider (MC + KIP)

27/05/2008 9.30am-11.00am MC – KIP Account Meeting (MC + KIP)

29/05/2008 8.30pm-11.00pm Management Handover Preparation, Meeting (MC

)01/06/2008 9.00am-1.00pm Site visit to property managed by Landserve
Property Management Sdn. Bhd. in Bandar Sunway & Wangsa Maju (Dann & Anderson)

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